Did you know we have a discounted central city fare zone in Hamilton? All bus trips within the zone are only $1.20 on Bee Card!

The central city zone encompasses from the motels on Ulster Street, down to the Hospital to the river on the east and Seddon Road on the west. All travel within this zone is $1.20 with a Bee Card, regardless of which bus you take.

Use the bus to get from town to the hospital, to do your shopping, or head to the doctors, the library or Wintec. Consider parking outside of the time-limited, and pay parking and use the bus to travel the last kilometre or two to work – all for only $1.20!

You’ll need a Bee Card to take advantage of the $1.20 fare, and remember to tag on and tag off. Without a Bee Card, the cash fare will be $4.00.

SuperGold Card holders receive free travel any day, any time - just tag on and tag off like normal.

Accessibility concession holders will receive FREE travel at all times with their Bee Card.